My Approach


“The human body is a self-healing machine; our role is to provide it with the tools it needs to do so.” -Dr. Bernie Siegel


Food first

Many women experiencing hormonal or digestive symptoms often hear that these issues are just “part of being a woman.” This dismissive view overlooks the unique health challenges women face and can leave them feeling detached from their own wellness journey. My mission is to change that narrative.

As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, my approach is rooted in empowering my clients to optimize their health and support their body’s natural healing abilities by focusing on foundational wellness practices. I advocate for a root cause, nutrient-first strategy, utilizing nutrient-dense, properly-prepared whole foods, key lifestyle changes, stress mastery, and targeted supplementation to alleviate symptoms.

My nutritional philosophy is straightforward: Eat like our great-great-grandparents did. This means enjoying simple, nourishing, and nutrient-dense ingredients. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be restrictive or boring—it’s not just about salads, smoothies, or protein bars. And it’s definitely not about adhering to low-fat, low-calorie diets. It’s about embracing real, wholesome ingredients—like butter, meat, potatoes, fruits, roots, dairy, vegetables, properly prepared grains and beans, nuts, and seeds.

At the heart of my practice are the core elements of health: a nutrient-dense diet, effective digestion, stable blood sugar regulation, balanced fatty acids, adequate mineral levels, proper hydration, exposure to sunlight, stress management, restorative sleep, and regular movement.

Our bodies communicate through symptoms, signaling imbalances and areas needing attention. Instead of masking these signs, we strive to understand the ‘why’ behind them and trust our innate wisdom and intuition. Recognizing that everyone is unique, I tailor my guidance to meet each individual’s bio-specific needs.

In our journey toward healing, it’s easy to become fixated on perfection, but perfection is not the goal—progress is. We aim to foster a sustainable, joy-filled life, where small, impactful habits can realistically be maintained. Food is crucial, but so are nurturing our inner child, maintaining a positive mindset, and engaging in activities that bring us joy.

how I support my clients

My Approach

Comprehensive Initial Intake

After completing questionnaire, intake form, and food and mood journal. I’ll analyze the assessment results and food and mood journal. You may also complete any lab testing during this time. 


Individualized Plans

We will work together to develop a personalized dietary, supplement, and lifestyle protocol based on findings and health concerns.


Ongoing Support

We will work together to adjust, or add recommendations to reach your health goals.

Have a question?

Reach out!

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Answers to Your Questions

What is functional nutrition?

It is the use of food to support or improve health. It follows the ideology of functional medicine.

Functional medicine is an approach to health that takes into consideration how every part of the body is interrelated. It seeks to restore physiological functioning. With functional nutrition, symptoms are clues for managing health issues and understanding the underlying issues within the body. We do not want to suppress the symptoms, but question what is the body trying to tell us?

Do you offer lab testing?

I do! As part of my programs, I offer a few different options for lab testing. If you want details, head over to the services pages for the packages! 

But I offer HTMA (Hair tissue mineral anaylsis), DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones), GI MAP stool, and thyroid panels. 

If you have already have test results from the last 60 days, I would be able to use those in your recommendations.


Do I have to go on a diet?

Diet is simply how someone eats. 

Do you have to reduce your calories? This is extremely bio individual, but that is not my approach or goal with nutritional therapy.

I do have founational nutrition recommendations I think everyone would benefit from. Recommendations like avoiding HFCS, artifical colors/preservatives, reducing refined sugar, reducing inflammatory oils, etc.

That being said, to restore the body back to optimal health, you may have to eliminate some foods temporarily while we work on restoring function. This is because the ability to bring a body into balance can be undermined if someone is still consuming foods that are causing inflammation and stress. The thing to keep in mind here is we are actively working to restore balance, so you can bring those foods back in-thats the goal.

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